Archive for November, 2023

Supporting Conservation Wildlife Tourism in Bhutan

Bhutan, the serene jewel nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, isn’t just a destination for breathtaking landscapes and ancient culture. It’s also a sanctuary for diverse and endangered wildlife. Exploring this beautiful country through wildlife tourism can be a transformative experience, especially when approached with a responsible mindset.

Understanding Bhutan’s Commitment to Conservation

Bhutan stands out globally for its dedication to environmental conservation. The government’s emphasis on maintaining at least 60% forest cover and its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030 are testaments to this dedication. Central to Bhutan’s conservation efforts are its protected areas and wildlife sanctuaries.

The Role of Wildlife Sanctuaries in Bhutan

Wildlife sanctuaries in Bhutan play a crucial role in preserving the country’s rich biodiversity. These sanctuaries, including Jigme Dorji National Park and Royal Manas National Park, provide safe havens for an array of species, from the elusive snow leopard to the majestic Bengal tiger and the vibrant Himalayan monal.

Embracing Ethical Wildlife Encounters

Responsible wildlife tourism in Bhutan revolves around ethical encounters. Visitors are encouraged to partake in experiences that prioritize the welfare of the wildlife and their habitats. Ethical wildlife encounters in Bhutan involve observing animals in their natural habitats without causing disturbance or harm.

Bhutan Birding Tours: Contributing to Conservation

When you embark on a wildlife tour with bhutanbirdingtours, you’re not merely sightseeing; you’re contributing to conservation. These tours are designed to minimize environmental impact while supporting local communities. By choosing such tours, travelers directly contribute to conservation projects and sustainable livelihoods.

The Impact of Responsible Tourism

Every visitor’s choice to engage in responsible wildlife tourism in Bhutan has a ripple effect. It helps fund conservation initiatives, supports local communities, and raises awareness about the importance of preserving wildlife habitats. Together, these actions foster a sustainable future for Bhutan’s incredible biodiversity.

Bhutan Birding Tours: A Commitment to Conservation

At Bhutan Birding Tours, we take pride in offering eco-friendly and responsible wildlife experiences. Our tours are designed to minimize environmental impact while maximizing the benefits to local communities and wildlife conservation efforts.

Bhutan’s Dedication to Wildlife Conservation

The foundation of responsible wildlife tourism in Bhutan lies in the country’s unwavering commitment to conservation. Bhutan has set exemplary standards by dedicating a significant portion of its land as protected areas and national parks, fostering the preservation of its rich biodiversity.

Unveiling Bhutan’s Wildlife Sanctuaries

Bhutan’s wildlife sanctuaries are sanctums for a plethora of species, from the endangered snow leopard to the elusive clouded leopard and the majestic Royal Bengal tiger. These sanctuaries, including Jigme Dorji National Park and Phrumsengla National Park, serve as critical habitats for the preservation of Bhutan’s diverse wildlife.

Embracing Ethical Wildlife Encounters in Bhutan

Responsible wildlife tourism in Bhutan emphasizes ethical encounters. It encourages visitors to observe and appreciate wildlife in their natural habitats without causing disturbance or harm. Ethical wildlife encounters in Bhutan encompass experiences designed to prioritize animal welfare and environmental preservation.

Exploring Bhutan Birding Tours: A Conservation Journey

When you choose to explore Bhutan’s wildlife with bhutanbirdingtours, you become an integral part of the conservation narrative. These tours are meticulously curated to provide travelers with an immersive experience while ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Moreover, a portion of the proceeds is directed toward conservation initiatives.

The Impact of Your Tour: Conservation Beyond Borders

Your decision to participate in responsible wildlife tourism has a far-reaching impact. By supporting initiatives like bird watching tours in Bhutan, you contribute directly to conservation projects, sustainable community development, and the preservation of Bhutan’s invaluable natural heritage.

1. Eco-friendly Wildlife Tours Bhutan

Our wildlife tours in Bhutan are designed with a minimal ecological footprint. From eco-friendly accommodations to low-impact transportation, we prioritize sustainable practices. Travelers can immerse themselves in the beauty of Bhutan’s wildlife while knowing that their journey leaves a positive impact on the environment.

2. Responsible Bird Watching Bhutan

Bird watching enthusiasts will find Bhutan to be a haven for diverse avian species. Our expert guides ensure that bird watching activities are conducted responsibly, respecting the natural behavior of the birds and their habitats. By choosing Bhutan Birding Tours, you actively contribute to the preservation of Bhutan’s unique birdlife.

3. Bhutan Conservation Tourism

Conservation is at the core of our tourism philosophy. We actively support local conservation initiatives and work closely with communities to ensure the long-term sustainability of wildlife habitats. Your tour with us directly contributes to the protection of Bhutan’s endangered species and their ecosystems.

4. Sustainable Wildlife Adventures

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond the duration of your tour. We strive to create awareness about the importance of responsible tourism and environmental conservation. Through educational initiatives and community engagement, we aim to foster a sense of responsibility among travelers, encouraging sustainable practices even after they return home.

5. Bhutan Birding Tours Reviews

The experiences of our travelers speak volumes about our commitment to responsible wildlife tourism. Read Bhutan Birding Tours reviews to gain insights into the positive impact of our tours on both travelers and the environment. Join a community that values responsible travel and meaningful wildlife encounters.

Conclusion: Your Role in Preserving Bhutan’s Wildlife

Embark on a journey with Bhutan Birding Tours to explore the breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife of Bhutan responsibly. Your choice to travel with us not only guarantees an unforgettable experience but also actively supports the conservation of Bhutan’s natural treasures. Together, let’s contribute to a sustainable and responsible approach to wildlife tourism in the Land of the Thunder Dragon.

Responsible wildlife tourism in Bhutan isn’t just about observing animals; it’s about being an active participant in conservation efforts. Your tour with bhutanbirdingtours supports the country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage.

As you plan your next adventure, consider the impact of your choices. Opt for tours and experiences that align with ethical practices, ensuring that your journey contributes positively to Bhutan’s wildlife conservation efforts

As a conscious traveler, your choice of ethical wildlife encounters with bhutanbirdingtours extends beyond a mere expedition. It becomes a testament to your dedication to preserving Bhutan’s wildlife and supporting the country’s sustainable tourism initiatives.

In your pursuit of unforgettable experiences, remember the significant role you play. Opt for tours that align with ethical practices, ensuring that your journey leaves a positive footprint on Bhutan’s wildlife conservation efforts.

Bhutan Adventure15-Day Itinerary | BhutanBirdingTours


Embark on a mesmerizing journey through the heart of Bhutan with BhutanBirdingTours. Our 15-day adventure promises a perfect blend of exploration, culture, and immersion in the breathtaking nature that defines this Himalayan kingdom.

Section 1: Setting the Stage for Your Bhutan Adventure

Introduce readers to the allure of Bhutan, its rich cultural heritage, and the unique experiences that await them. Emphasize BhutanBirdingTours’ commitment to providing a comprehensive exploration.

Section 2: Crafting the Perfect 15-Day Itinerary

Present the detailed itinerary, highlighting key destinations, activities, and cultural experiences meticulously curated by BhutanBirdingTours. Discuss the seamless flow of the journey, ensuring a balance between adventure and relaxation.

Section 3: Day-by-Day Exploration

Take readers on a virtual tour, detailing each day of the itinerary. Explore iconic landmarks, cultural sites, and hidden gems, with a focus on the immersive experiences BhutanBirdingTours has in store.

Section 4: Nature and Wildlife Encounters

Highlight Bhutan’s unique biodiversity and the opportunities for birdwatching and wildlife encounters embedded in the itinerary. Showcase BhutanBirdingTours’ expertise in providing a deeper connection with the natural world.

Section 5: Cultural Immersion: Festivals and Traditions

Delve into the cultural richness of Bhutan, emphasizing the festivals, traditions, and interactions with local communities embedded in the itinerary. Showcase BhutanBirdingTours’ commitment to providing authentic cultural experiences.

Section 6: Comfortable Accommodations and Amenities

Detail the accommodations selected by BhutanBirdingTours, ensuring comfort and immersion in the local ambiance. Highlight amenities that contribute to a seamless and enjoyable adventure.

Section 7: Traveling Responsibly in Bhutan

Emphasize BhutanBirdingTours’ commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism practices. Discuss the importance of respecting the environment and local communities during the adventure.

Section 8: Testimonials and Reviews

Include testimonials from previous travelers who have experienced BhutanBirdingTours’ adventures, showcasing the positive impact of the itinerary on their Bhutan exploration.

1. Bhutan Birding Tours

Experience the ultimate birding adventure with Bhutan Birding Tours. Our meticulously crafted 15-day itinerary ensures an immersive exploration of Bhutan’s rich biodiversity and cultural wonders. Join us on this unforgettable journey where every day promises a new discovery.

2. Bhutan Adventure Itinerary

Delve into the heart of Bhutan with our exclusive Bhutan adventure itinerary. From the tranquil monasteries to the pristine landscapes, our 15-day plan is designed to showcase the best of Bhutan. Uncover the secrets of this Himalayan kingdom with Bhutan Birding Tours.

3. Birdwatching in Bhutan

For avid birdwatchers, Bhutan is a paradise waiting to be explored. Our itinerary includes prime birdwatching spots, allowing you to witness a diverse array of avian species. Join Bhutan Birding Tours for an unparalleled experience of birdwatching in Bhutan.

4. Bhutan Cultural Wonders

Immerse yourself in the cultural tapestry of Bhutan. Our itinerary goes beyond birdwatching, offering insights into the unique traditions and customs of this enchanting kingdom. Explore monasteries, festivals, and more with Bhutan Birding Tours.

5. Bhutan Nature Exploration

Embark on a journey of nature exploration with Bhutan Birding Tours. Our itinerary takes you through Bhutan’s lush forests, scenic valleys, and snow-capped peaks. Witness the breathtaking beauty of nature while discovering the diverse flora and fauna that call Bhutan home.

Why Choose Bhutan Birding Tours?

  • Expert Guides: Our experienced guides enhance your journey with in-depth knowledge of Bhutan’s culture and birdlife.
  • Customized Itineraries: Tailor your adventure with personalized itineraries that cater to your interests.
  • Comfortable Accommodations: Enjoy the warmth of Bhutanese hospitality in carefully selected accommodations.
  • Exclusive Bird Watching: Immerse yourself in Bhutan’s diverse birdlife with exclusive bird watching excursions.
  • Seamless Travel Experience: Bhutan Birding Tours ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing you to focus on the beauty of Bhutan.

Bhutan Bird Watching Tours: Adding a Feathered Dimension

Throughout your 15-day sojourn, BhutanBirdingTours offers unparalleled opportunities for bird watching. From the Himalayan foothills to verdant valleys, Bhutan is a haven for avian enthusiasts. Spot rare species like the Himalayan Monal, Blood Pheasant, and the elusive Black-necked Crane, enriching your Bhutan adventure with captivating wildlife encounters.

Bhutan Bird Watching Tours: A Nature Lover’s Paradise

Throughout your journey, BhutanBirdingTours offers specialized birdwatching expeditions. From the vibrant Monal Pheasant to the majestic Himalayan Griffon, Bhutan’s diverse birdlife will captivate enthusiasts.

Day 1-3: Thimphu – Capital City Immersion

Commence your Bhutan adventure in Thimphu, the capital city pulsating with culture and heritage. Visit the Tashichho Dzong, a majestic fortress housing government offices and religious centers. Immerse yourself in Bhutanese art at the National Institute for Zorig Chusum and delve into history at the National Library.

Day 4-6: Paro – Nature’s Bounty and Spiritual Retreats

Journey to Paro, a serene valley renowned for its natural splendor. Explore the iconic Taktsang Monastery, precariously perched on a cliffside, offering breathtaking views. Delve into local traditions with a visit to Rinpung Dzong and the Kyichu Lhakhang, among Bhutan’s oldest temples.

Day 7-9: Punakha – Cultural Marvels and Scenic Landscapes

The road to Punakha presents stunning vistas as you traverse mountain passes. Experience Punakha Dzong, an architectural masterpiece at the confluence of two rivers. Engage in a scenic hike to Chimi Lhakhang, a fertility temple, and savor the tranquility of the Punakha Valley.

Day 10-12: Bumthang – Spiritual Heartland and Unspoiled Beauty

Bumthang unveils Bhutan’s spiritual core. Visit Jambay Lhakhang, home to the famous Jambay Lhakhang Drup festival. Explore Jakar Dzong and the serene Kurjey Lhakhang, discovering the essence of Buddhism nestled amid pristine landscapes.

Day 13-15: Wangdue Phodrang – Wildlife Encounters and Final Sojourn

Conclude your Bhutan odyssey in Wangdue Phodrang, known for its wildlife sanctuaries. Discover the Phobjikha Valley, a winter haven for black-necked cranes, and revel in the natural beauty before bidding farewell to this enchanting kingdom.


Summarize the highlights of the 15-day Bhutan adventure with BhutanBirdingTours, emphasizing the unique blend of culture, nature, and exploration. Encourage readers to embark on this unforgettable journey to discover the magic of Bhutan.

In these 15 days, your Bhutan expedition with bhutanbirdingtours promises an intimate understanding of Bhutan’s culture, spirituality, and natural splendor. Immerse yourself in the mystique of the Himalayas while creating lasting memories in this extraordinary land.

Bhutan’s Mammal Watching: Kingdom’s Wildlife

Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan is celebrated for its pristine landscapes, rich culture, and an astounding array of wildlife. While Bhutan is renowned for its birding opportunities, it’s also a hidden gem for those with a passion for mammal watching. In this blog, we’ll take you on a journey through the fascinating world of Bhutan’s wildlife, specifically focusing on the kingdom’s incredible mammal species. Join to delve into the captivating realm of Bhutan’s mammals. Your Gateway to Bhutan’s Wildlife

At, our commitment to providing exceptional wildlife experiences goes beyond birding. Here’s why you should choose us as your wildlife tour partner:

  • Local Expertise: Our guides are not only experts in birding but also deeply knowledgeable about Bhutan’s culture, history, and the diverse ecosystems that support its wildlife.
  • Small Group Tours: We believe in intimate group experiences to ensure personalized attention, create a close-knit community of wildlife enthusiasts, and minimize environmental impact.
  • Customized Itineraries: Our tours are carefully designed to showcase Bhutan’s top wildlife sites and maximize your chances of spotting rare and iconic mammal species.
  • Responsible Wildlife Tourism: We are committed to responsible wildlife tourism practices that prioritize the well-being of Bhutan’s natural habitats and its unique inhabitants.

Bhutan: A Paradise for Mammal Watching

Bhutan’s impressive range of ecosystems, from subtropical forests to alpine meadows, provides ideal conditions for a diverse community of mammals. The kingdom’s dedication to conservation ensures that many endangered species thrive in its protected areas.

Spotlight on Bhutan’s Mammal Species

Let’s take a closer look at some of the remarkable mammal species you can encounter in Bhutan:

  1. Bengal Tigers: Bhutan is home to the elusive Bengal tiger. With conservation efforts, the population of these majestic big cats is gradually increasing.
  2. Red Pandas: Bhutan’s dense forests provide a sanctuary for the charming red panda. These solitary creatures can be spotted in their bamboo-rich habitats.
  3. Snow Leopards: The high-altitude regions of Bhutan offer opportunities to observe the elusive snow leopard, known for its elusive nature and incredible camouflage.
  4. Golden Langurs: The kingdom’s lush forests are home to the rare and endangered golden langur, characterized by its strikingly golden fur.
  5. Himalayan Black Bears: Bhutan’s forests house the Himalayan black bear, a powerful and fascinating creature that can be spotted during your wildlife adventures.

Wildlife Adventures in Bhutan

Exploring Bhutan’s mammal species is a thrilling adventure that combines awe-inspiring natural beauty with the excitement of wildlife encounters. Our wildlife tours offer the chance to witness these remarkable animals in their natural habitats, where they roam freely and undisturbed.

The Role of Expert Wildlife Guides

Our expert wildlife guides are passionate about Bhutan’s wildlife and ecosystems. They have an in-depth understanding of the behavior, habits, and locations of Bhutan’s mammals. With their guidance, you’ll have the opportunity to observe and learn about these captivating creatures up close.

1. Mammal Watching Bhutan: Exploring the Hidden Gems

Embarking on a mammal watching tour with is an opportunity to delve into a world teeming with incredible creatures. Bhutan’s protected areas, from dense forests to alpine meadows, harbor a wide range of mammal species. From the elusive snow leopard to the iconic Bengal tiger, Bhutan offers a treasure trove of wildlife wonders waiting to be discovered.

2. Wildlife of Bhutan: Diverse and Enigmatic

Bhutan’s diverse landscapes, including subtropical forests, temperate woodlands, and alpine meadows, provide a mosaic of habitats for its resident and migratory mammal species. The lush valleys of Phobjikha and Punakha are home to the charming takin, Bhutan’s national animal, while the remote regions of Wangchuck Centennial Park offer a chance to spot the red panda, a true Himalayan gem.

3. Bhutan’s Mammal Species: A Glimpse into Biodiversity

With over 165 mammal species, Bhutan is a sanctuary for biodiversity. From the vibrant golden langur to the enigmatic clouded leopard, each species plays a vital role in the intricate web of life that thrives in this Himalayan kingdom. Mammal enthusiasts will be captivated by the sheer variety and uniqueness of the creatures that call Bhutan home.

4. Best Places for Mammal Watching in Bhutan: Where to Seek Wildlife Thrills

Bhutan offers a plethora of prime locations for mammal watching. The Jigme Dorji National Park, with its rugged terrain and dense forests, provides a sanctuary for species such as the Himalayan black bear and the elusive red fox. Additionally, the Royal Manas National Park and the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary offer unique opportunities to encounter Bhutan’s diverse mammalian fauna.

5. Bhutan Wildlife Tours: Tailored Experiences for Every Wildlife Enthusiast

Whether you’re a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or a casual observer, offers a range of tour options designed to cater to different preferences and interests. From guided treks through pristine forests to nighttime excursions in search of nocturnal creatures, every moment is an opportunity to witness the incredible wildlife of Bhutan.

Conclusion: Immerse Yourself in Bhutan’s Wildlife Splendor with

In conclusion, Bhutan’s wildlife is a testament to the country’s dedication to conservation and preservation. With its diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity, Bhutan provides a unique opportunity to witness some of the world’s most captivating mammal species. Embarking on a mammal watching tour with allows you to not only observe these creatures in their natural habitats but also contribute to their conservation.

Bhutan’s wildlife is a treasure trove of natural wonders, and it’s not limited to birding alone. invites you to embark on a wildlife adventure that will deepen your appreciation for the kingdom’s remarkable mammals. From the elusive Bengal tiger to the charming red panda, Bhutan’s wilderness is a sanctuary for these incredible creatures. Join us and experience the magic of Bhutan’s wildlife, guided by experts who share your passion for the kingdom’s unique and diverse mammal species.

So, pack your binoculars, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Bhutan’s wildlife havens. Book your mammal watching tour today with and let the adventure begin!

A Birder’s Paradise: Spotlight on Bhutan’s Premier Birding Sites

Bhutan, the land of the thunder dragon, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and abundant biodiversity. Among its many natural treasures, Bhutan stands out as a birder’s paradise, offering a diverse range of bird species and some of the most captivating birding sites in the world. In this blog, we’ll shine a spotlight on Bhutan’s premier birding sites, providing you with a glimpse into the avian wonders that await you on your Bhutan birding tour with

**1. Bhutan Birding Tours: Unlocking a World of Avian Wonders

Embarking on a birding tour with is your gateway to an enchanting world of feathered wonders. With expert guides and carefully curated itineraries, you’ll have the opportunity to witness some of the rarest and most elusive bird species that call Bhutan home. From the vibrant fire-tailed myzornis to the majestic Himalayan monal, Bhutan offers a treasure trove of avian delights.

2. Bird Watching in Bhutan: Where Nature’s Symphony Unfolds

Picture yourself amidst the lush forests of Bhutan, where the melodious calls of birds create a symphony that resonates through the valleys. With an impressive array of habitats ranging from subtropical forests to alpine meadows, Bhutan provides a haven for bird watchers of all levels. The Haa Valley, Phobjikha Valley, and the Royal Manas National Park are just a few of the remarkable birding spots waiting to be explored.

3. Premier Birding Sites Bhutan: Jewels in the Avian Crown

Bhutan’s premier birding sites are a testament to the country’s commitment to conservation and preservation of its natural heritage. Take a journey to the Jigme Dorji National Park, where verdant forests and pristine rivers create an ideal habitat for a myriad of bird species. The Torsa Strict Nature Reserve and the Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary also stand as bastions of biodiversity, offering a glimpse into Bhutan’s avian diversity.

4. Bird Species in Bhutan: A Kaleidoscope of Colors and Calls

Bhutan boasts over 700 bird species, ranging from the resplendent Himalayan pheasant to the elusive black-necked crane. With its diverse landscapes, Bhutan provides a sanctuary for both resident and migratory birds. Bird enthusiasts will have the opportunity to observe the fascinating behavior and distinctive plumage of these avian inhabitants in their natural habitats.

5. Best Birding Spots in Bhutan: Tailored Experiences for Every Birder

Whether you’re an avid birder seeking a specific species or a casual observer hoping to revel in the beauty of nature, Bhutan offers a range of birding experiences. With, you can choose from a variety of tour options, each tailored to cater to different preferences and interests. From guided hikes through dense forests to serene boat rides along pristine rivers, every moment is an opportunity to witness the avian wonders of Bhutan.

Bhutan Birding Tours: Your Gateway to Avian Paradise

At, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional birding experiences in Bhutan. Here’s why you should choose us as your birdwatching partner:

  • Local Expertise: Our guides are not only skilled birders but also deeply knowledgeable about Bhutan’s culture, history, and environment.
  • Small Group Tours: We believe in intimate group experiences to ensure personalized attention, create a close-knit community of birders, and minimize environmental impact.
  • Customized Birding Itineraries: Our tours are carefully designed to showcase Bhutan’s best birding sites and maximize your chances of spotting rare and endemic species.
  • Responsible Birding: We prioritize responsible birding practices to protect the natural habitats and avian residents of Bhutan.

Bhutan: A Birder’s Paradise

Bhutan’s diverse landscapes, ranging from the lush forests of the south to the high-altitude mountain terrain in the north, make it a haven for a wide variety of bird species. The kingdom’s conservation efforts have preserved these unique habitats, ensuring the survival of many vulnerable and endangered birds.

Spotlight on Bhutan’s Premier Birding Sites

  1. Phobjikha Valley: This picturesque valley is home to the endangered Black-necked Crane, as well as other bird species like Ibisbills, Spotted Laughingthrushes, and Satyr Tragopans.
  2. Trongsa: The Trongsa region is known for its diverse birdlife, including species like the Himalayan Cutia, Rufous-necked Hornbill, and Yellow-rumped Honeyguide.
  3. Zhemgang: Subtropical forests in Zhemgang offer birdwatchers the chance to spot Golden Langurs, Grey-crowned Prinia, and Scarlet Minivets.
  4. Manas National Park: This UNESCO World Heritage-listed park is a treasure trove of wildlife, with birding highlights including the Bengal Florican, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, and Greater Adjutant Stork.
  5. Samdrup Jongkhar: The region surrounding Samdrup Jongkhar is teeming with bird species such as the White-cheeked Hill Partridge, Great Slaty Woodpecker, and Oriental Pied Hornbill.

Discovering Bhutan’s Rich Avian Diversity

Bhutan’s birding sites are home to an impressive range of avian species. Some of the most sought-after birds in Bhutan include the Himalayan Monal, Blood Pheasant, Satyr Tragopan, Black-tailed Crake, and Ward’s Trogon. With over 700 bird species recorded, Bhutan offers an exciting opportunity to check off numerous entries on your birdwatching checklist.

The Role of Expert Birdwatching Guides

Our expert birdwatching guides play a crucial role in making your Bhutan birding tour a success. They have an in-depth knowledge of the local bird species, their behaviors, and the best times and locations to spot them. With their guidance, you’ll have the chance to observe and learn about Bhutan’s avian wonders up close.

Conclusion: Discover Bhutan’s Avian Jewels with

In conclusion, Bhutan’s premier birding sites are a testament to the country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage. With over 700 bird species, lush forests, and diverse habitats, Bhutan is a paradise for bird enthusiasts of all levels. Embarking on a birding tour with opens the door to a world of avian wonders, expertly guided by experienced birding enthusiasts.

So, pack your binoculars, lace up your hiking boots, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Bhutan’s birding hotspots. With, you’ll have the chance to witness some of the rarest and most captivating bird species in their natural habitats.

Ready to experience the magic of Bhutan’s birdlife? Book your birding tour today with and let the adventure begin!

Bhutan Birding and Mammal Watching: A 15-Day Adventure

Welcome to the enchanting kingdom of Bhutan, where the unspoiled natural beauty and rich biodiversity have made it a haven for birdwatchers and wildlife enthusiasts. In this blog, we invite you to embark on a 15-day adventure with, exploring the top birding and mammal-watching sites in Bhutan. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the kingdom’s pristine landscapes and incredible wildlife.

Bhutan: A Paradise for Birding and Mammal Watching

Bhutan, often referred to as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is a country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, deep spiritual culture, and incredible biodiversity. This tiny Himalayan kingdom offers a unique blend of birding and mammal-watching opportunities, making it a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

Why Choose is your gateway to Bhutan’s extraordinary wildlife. Our team of expert guides, ornithologists, and wildlife enthusiasts are dedicated to providing an exceptional adventure. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Local Expertise: Our guides are not only experienced in birding and mammal watching but also deeply knowledgeable about Bhutan’s culture, history, and environment.
  • Small Group Size: We believe in intimate group experiences to ensure personal attention, a close-knit community, and minimal environmental impact.
  • Customized Itineraries: Our tours are carefully crafted to showcase the best of Bhutan’s birding and wildlife-watching sites.
  • Sustainable Tourism: We are committed to responsible and sustainable tourism practices to protect Bhutan’s pristine environment.

Exploring Bhutan’s Rich Avian Diversity

1. Phobjikha Valley: A Haven for Black-Necked Cranes

Our journey begins in the enchanting Phobjikha Valley, where you’ll witness one of nature’s most breathtaking spectacles – the annual migration of the revered Black-Necked Cranes. These graceful birds are considered sacred in Bhutan and symbolize good luck. With our expert guides, you’ll have the chance to observe them in their natural habitat.

2. Jigme Dorji National Park: Himalayan Birding Paradise

Nestled in the heart of Bhutan, Jigme Dorji National Park boasts a diverse range of bird species, from elusive Himalayan Monals to the majestic Satyr Tragopans. With its varied elevations and lush forests, this park offers a haven for both resident and migratory birds.

3. Bumthang Valley: Cultural Richness Meets Avian Splendor

While exploring the cultural wonders of Bumthang Valley, you’ll also be treated to exceptional birdwatching opportunities. The valley’s mixed broadleaf and coniferous forests are home to a remarkable variety of species, including the Rufous-necked Hornbill and Fire-tailed Myzornis.

Unveiling Bhutan’s Diverse Mammalian Fauna

4. Manas National Park: A World Heritage Site

Crossing over to the southern reaches of Bhutan, we find ourselves in the remarkable Manas National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This park is renowned for its incredible biodiversity, housing Bengal Tigers, Asian Elephants, and the elusive Red Pandas. Our guides will lead you on unforgettable safaris to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat.

5. Royal Manas National Park: A Wildlife Haven in the South

Adjacent to Manas National Park, Royal Manas is another gem for wildlife enthusiasts. Here, you’ll have the chance to encounter Golden Langurs, Gangetic Dolphins, and a plethora of bird species along the riverbanks. The park’s pristine wilderness is a testament to Bhutan’s commitment to conservation.

The 15-Day Adventure: Top Birding and Mammal Watching Sites

Let’s dive into the details of our 15-day adventure, exploring Bhutan’s top birding and mammal-watching sites:

Day 1-3: Paro Valley and Chele La Pass

  • Paro Valley: Start your journey in the picturesque Paro Valley, known for its rich birdlife and iconic landmarks, including the Tiger’s Nest Monastery.
  • Chele La Pass: Explore the high-altitude meadows around Chele La Pass, where you can spot Himalayan Monals, Blood Pheasants, and more.

Day 4-6: Phobjikha Valley

  • Phobjikha Valley: Visit this pristine valley, a designated conservation area for the endangered Black-necked Crane. Birding highlights include Ibisbills, Spotted Laughingthrushes, and the elusive Satyr Tragopan.

Day 7-9: Trongsa and Zhemgang

  • Trongsa: Discover the beautiful Trongsa town and its surroundings, home to various species like Himalayan Cutia, Rufous-necked Hornbill, and Yellow-rumped Honeyguide.
  • Zhemgang: Venture into the subtropical forests of Zhemgang, offering the chance to spot Golden Langurs, Grey-crowned Prinia, and Scarlet Minivets.

Day 10-12: Tingtibi and Manas National Park

  • Tingtibi: Birding in Tingtibi allows you to encounter a variety of avian species, including Great Hornbills, Blue-bearded Bee-eaters, and Long-tailed Broadbills.
  • Manas National Park: Explore the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Manas National Park, a treasure trove of wildlife. Keep an eye out for Royal Bengal Tigers, Indian Rhinoceros, and more.

Day 13-15: Samdrup Jongkhar and Deothang

  • Samdrup Jongkhar: This region offers the opportunity to observe White-cheeked Hill Partridges, Great Slaty Woodpeckers, and Oriental Pied Hornbills.
  • Deothang: Conclude your adventure in Deothang, renowned for its diverse avifauna and the possibility of encountering endangered species like the Yellow-rumped Honeyguide.

The Thrill of Mammal Watching

While birding is a primary focus of our tours, Bhutan also offers incredible mammal-watching opportunities. Keep your eyes peeled for Red Pandas, Himalayan Black Bears, and even Snow Leopards in the pristine forests and mountains of Bhutan.


Bhutan, with its captivating landscapes and diverse wildlife, is a dream destination for birding and mammal watching. Our 15-day adventure with offers you the chance to explore Bhutan’s top birding and mammal-watching sites while enjoying the expertise of our local guides. Join us to experience the kingdom’s incredible biodiversity and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Bhutan.